Using the Python module

The Switcher application is mainly to validate the correctness of the pyatem Python module. The python code is split up in multiple modules. pyatem.transport handles the low level UDP protocol that adds reliability on top of UDP. The pyatem.protocol module handles encoding and decoding commands and fields for the mixers. The pyatem.field and pyatem.command module contain the encoders and decoders for all the specific fields the switchers support.


To connect to the mixer you make an instance of the pyatem.protocol.AtemProtocol class and call the connect method

from pyatem.protocol import AtemProtocol

switcher = AtemProtocol("")
while True:

The connect command will send the first packet to the switcher, the loop method will process one incoming packet every time it’s called. It should be called at least once every second to prevent the connection to the switcher disconnecting due to timeouts.

Receiving state changes

To have your application respond to changes in the mixer you can subscribe to events.

from pyatem.protocol import AtemProtocol

def something_happened(field):

switcher = AtemProtocol("")

# Register the event handler before connecting so you won't miss any events
switcher.on("change", something_happened)

while True:

The change event is the most generic one and will get called for every changed field the switcher will send.

To register event handlers for more specific fields you can set the field names:

from pyatem.protocol import AtemProtocol

def video_mode_changed(mode):
  print(f"New video mode is {mode.get_label()}")
  if mode.rate > 30:
    print(":O so smooth")

def program_bus_me1_changed(state):
  print(f"New program source is {state.source}")

switcher = AtemProtocol("")

# The format is change:{fieldname} to get all changes for a field
switcher.on("change:video-mode", video_mode_changed)

# For some fields it's possible to get the event for only a specific index
switcher.on("change:program-bus-input:0", program_bus_me1_changed)

while True:

The names of the events are related to the decoder classes listed in the documentation. For example the VideoModeField will be change:video-mode and the KeyOnAirField will be change:key-on-air

Sending commands

Sending commands is done by making instances of the classes in pyatem.command.* and passing those to the connection object:

from pyatem.command import WipeSettingsCommand

# Set the wipe softness on M/E 1
cmd = WipeSettingsCommand(index=0, softness=400)


The send_commands call accepts a list of command objects to send. If multiple commands are specified in the list they will be send in a single network packet. This is useful to make sure changes happen at the exact same time.